Burden Bearers
“Turn it this way!”
“Or what if we stand it up vertically? We’ll push and you guys pull.”
“No, it’s not working. I think the way we were doing it was working better.”
Back and forth we went, sweat pouring down each of our faces as we tried to force the king size mattress up the narrow staircase. Finally, we got it! Cheers and victorious grunts broke out with high fives and fist bumps. A sense of shared accomplishment and the joy of helping a brother in need filled our hearts and then our faces with smiles.
That was one of the many special moments several of us shared on Tuesday as we helped move the Lambert family into their new home. (By the way, a big THANK YOU to all of you who were able to come out and help! I know that with work schedules or other commitments there were many who wanted to but were unable).
As we struggled to get the mattress up the staircase, I kept thinking of the verse from Galatians 6:2, “Carry (or bear) each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Have you ever wondered what the law of Christ is? Any guesses? If you said, “LOVE,” you’re right! In Romans 13:10, the Apostle Paul says that LOVE is the fulfillment of the law! Love is the law of Christ!
Bearing one another’s burdens is one of the most loving and generous things we can do for one another…and in so doing, fulfill what God asks and expects of us.
You see, the mattress didn’t belong to all of us. It belonged to Tim and Shelly. But because Tim and Shelly (and their boys) belong to all of us in the sense of being a part of our church family…their burden belonged to all of us. Love, true love, never abandons a brother or sister to bear their burdens alone. True love, the love that fulfills the law of Jesus Christ, helps others bear their burdens as if they were our own burdens to bear.
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is the best example for that truth, isn’t he? 1 Peter 2:24 says, “He personally carried/bore our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.”
As we go through the rest of our week, let’s be mindful of those around us that may be bearing a burden that is too heavy for them to carry alone. Let’s be abundantly generous in coming alongside them for support. Let’s be like Christ Jesus and fulfill his law of love.
“Turn it this way!”
“Or what if we stand it up vertically? We’ll push and you guys pull.”
“No, it’s not working. I think the way we were doing it was working better.”
Back and forth we went, sweat pouring down each of our faces as we tried to force the king size mattress up the narrow staircase. Finally, we got it! Cheers and victorious grunts broke out with high fives and fist bumps. A sense of shared accomplishment and the joy of helping a brother in need filled our hearts and then our faces with smiles.
That was one of the many special moments several of us shared on Tuesday as we helped move the Lambert family into their new home. (By the way, a big THANK YOU to all of you who were able to come out and help! I know that with work schedules or other commitments there were many who wanted to but were unable).
As we struggled to get the mattress up the staircase, I kept thinking of the verse from Galatians 6:2, “Carry (or bear) each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Have you ever wondered what the law of Christ is? Any guesses? If you said, “LOVE,” you’re right! In Romans 13:10, the Apostle Paul says that LOVE is the fulfillment of the law! Love is the law of Christ!
Bearing one another’s burdens is one of the most loving and generous things we can do for one another…and in so doing, fulfill what God asks and expects of us.
You see, the mattress didn’t belong to all of us. It belonged to Tim and Shelly. But because Tim and Shelly (and their boys) belong to all of us in the sense of being a part of our church family…their burden belonged to all of us. Love, true love, never abandons a brother or sister to bear their burdens alone. True love, the love that fulfills the law of Jesus Christ, helps others bear their burdens as if they were our own burdens to bear.
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is the best example for that truth, isn’t he? 1 Peter 2:24 says, “He personally carried/bore our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.”
As we go through the rest of our week, let’s be mindful of those around us that may be bearing a burden that is too heavy for them to carry alone. Let’s be abundantly generous in coming alongside them for support. Let’s be like Christ Jesus and fulfill his law of love.